Ranks/Awards Key
Begging will get you automatically demoted, or removed from the clan without warning.
Medal Description
¨ Recieve this medal for recruiting other members
Experience in the wilderness
§ Experience in web code (HTML, etc.)
Experience in castle wars arena
" Experience in dragon raids
¥ Experience in pit fights
¤ All quests complete
W Pure for player vs. player combat
Enforcers of The Cleanse
Rank Character Name Stats Medals Earned Other Info.
Council Member The Cleanse stats †‡§¨ Creator and web site manager of The Cleanse
Pure Irvirgine stats W The Cleanse's Pure
Council Member Deckdude stats "‡¥¨¤ One of the cornerstones of The Clan, we live in the same town
Pure Gorelom stats W deckdude's Pure
Council Recruit (The Cleanse) Mcd034 stats § highly experienced in html, helps with guides, and web coding
Council Recruit (The Cleanse) Bkeyedpeas stats Faithfull member of the cleanse for a long time
Council Recruit (The Cleanse/google) aron chan stats Found my site on google, likes to pk
Alternate Character Spectre520 stats Aron Chan's alternate character
Council members are players of whom I chat with, when deciding a clan members fate. If you have information or proof of a council member breaking the rules of runescape, or doing something else a council member shouldn't do, email the_cleanse@mail.com with a detailed report. (I am not jagex staff, and you should not report people to me if they have scammed you or broken other runescape rules. Use the in-game report abuse button, and then send an email report with evidence and details to me)
The Cleanse beggins its recruiting stage. Want your friends to join? Tell them about the website, or give them my email address. the_cleanse@mail.com
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