I will tell you the best possible ways to boost your range. No matter your ranging lvl, the best posiable place to go is Lesser deamons in the volcanoe on Karamja. Wear a full set of the best dragonhide armor your level allows.
Equipment Requirements
Green Dragonhide Level 40 Range
Blue Dragonhide Level 50 Range
Red Dragonhide Level 60 Range
Black Dragonhide Level 70 Range
If you have done "the freminik trials" quest then you are able to buy a ranger helm. These are extremly good and quite cheap. You can buy from store for 75k or from players for 60k. If you are extremely ritch, then I would recomond buying a robin hood hat and ranger boots. Im not sure on there prices because they are ever-changing.
For a bow you should use the best possible one for your ranging lvl
Bow and best ammo Requirements
Cross bow and bolts (Not recommended, doesn't really work) Level 1 Range
Standard bow and iron arrows Level 1 Range
Oak bow and steel arrows Level 5 Range
Willow bow and mithril arrows Level 20 Range
Maple bow and adamant arrows Level 30 Range
Yew bow and rune arrows Level 40 Range
Yew bow and rune arrows Level 40 Range
Magic bow and rune arrows Level 50 Range
Crystal bow and self contained ammo Level 70 Range
About the crystal bow
The crystal bow is achieved by doing the roaving elves quest. At first it will show 2/10 which is telling you it is part of the way gone. Once you use up all of the arrows it will break down into a seed. If you take it back to the elf Ilfeen, she will make you another one for a small price of 900k! Then you will recieve a 10/10 bow with 2,500 shots. If it runs out again dont worry, you wont have to pay another 900k. Each time you get another one the price will go down. The cheapest it goes is 180k. This bow is only recomended for speed killings and/or fighting extremely tough enemies.
Throwing knives or darts are extremely good but you don't make very many of them per bar. I would use arrows. You get more range xp from them.
Have fun and remember to kill the lessers! Happy hunting.......
Written by deckdude. Confused? Questions? Contact me (Deckdude) in game or through my email (jwillyb6@hotmail.com)
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