Welcome to Revenant Hunting By Irvirgine |
The purpose of this web page is to help people understand how a Revenant fights, how to fight a revenant, what you need to bring, and more. In the end, I hope to see more people joining the rev hunts, and doing well during the hunts. | ||||||
How a Revenant Fights Revs attack primarily with magic, use range as a secondary attack, and use melee at close range as another secondary attack. Every attack it does has a chance of doing over 30 damage from some high level revenants and even medium level revenants hitting well over 20. How do I protect myself!!! There is 2 different techniques for protecting yourself from revenants. 1)The first and most common protection from a rev is to wear your best range armor with an anti-dragonfire shield for your best magic and range protection. If you are close range, it might try to melee, but if you step away from it for a second then jump back on it, it sometimes changes to range or magic again. 2)The second is to wear full rune, and use protection from magic prayer. If you use protection from magic prayer against a revenant, It will change to range attacks, or melee. The rune armor will deflect a lot of the range and melee attacks, and it is a very effective way to protect yourself. It is also a lot more dangerous, because if you die in full rune, you may loose items. some people wear a rune platebody, rune legs, and bring a rune weapon, so if they die, they don't loose anything. What food do I bring? I bring anchovie pizza when i go rev hunting. if you eat the first bite, then eat the second half of the pizza, you can eat 2 times as fast as eating other 1 bite foods like swordfish. so I basically heal 18 in 1 bite with anchovie pizza. I would not go hunting revs with anything less than lobster if you can't afford anchovie pizza. Lobster only heals 12 and revs hit so hard, that isn't enough to stop a Knock out from a couple 25's. What else should I bring? If you are using melee bring a strength potion. If you are ranging, use your best arrows, addy preffered, mith is ok too. And for the mages, bring runes to cast crumble undead, and maybe a keep a few wizard mind bombs in the bank so you can keep 1 with you to boost your magic when hunting. a lot of people will bring teleport runes, or a skull sceptre to teleport to safety, but remember that you can not teleport past lvl 20 wilderness. If I need to run, I try to hide behind a wall and get the rev stuck. If I get trapped and the rev is outside the wall, I log out and count to 30. in that time, the rev returns to his normal route wandering through. by the time I log back in, it is gone, and I can run to safety. Where can I find revenants? Revenants spawn in random locations only in the wilderness, but all over the wilderness. They wander around for a while, then they dissapear. Sometimes they dissapear in the middle of the fight, so you don't get the kill. After a revenant dissapears, another one respawns in it's place somewhere randomly a few minutes later. they seem to travel certain routes, and the more you rev hunt, the more you will recognise patters in the places they travel. Why did I get attacked by a group of 4 revenants? This can happen when someone in the wilderness gets attacked by a revenant and tries to fight it, but then a second revenant attacks him so he has to run. the player may even die, but the point is, there is now 2 revenants close together traveling the same route. someone else might be farther along the route and be fighting a revenant, when the 2 revenants already close together join in.now this person will probaly run or die, and there are 3 in a group. Now another revenant could have wandered alone all the way on the other side of the wilderness, and been killed by a group of rev hunters. This rev might spawn near the group of 3 revs, and join the same route they are on aking it a group of 4 revenants. This happens a lot, and you should be very carefull if you see more than 1 revenant. If there is 2, there could be more. Can any revenant attack me? The level of wilderness changes the level of revenant you can fight. Example: If you are level 60 and are in level 40 wilderness, you can fight a revenant anywhere from 40 levels lower than you to 40 levelos higher than you. So you could fight with lvl 22 goblin, 37 goblin, 45 icefiend, 52 pyrefiend, 60 hobgoblin, lvl 68 vampire, lvl 75 werewolf, lvl 86 cyclops, but not lvl 105 orc and up and not lvl 15 goblin and down. that is more than 40 levels difference from your combat lvl, and you have to go deeper in the wilderness. The deeper you are in the wildderness, the more level difference you can have in your group, which makes it a better place for large groups. Does the revenant eat? Yes! Be prepared for a long battle, because revenants have a full inventory of food. The main reason I like Large groups for revenant hunt is because they eat. If everyone attacks the rev at the same time, It can't eat as fast as the group is damaging it, thus it dies. So if 5-10 people all attack the rev at once it can be almost instantly K.O.ed and noone takes any damage. Why should I risk my items to fight these revenants? Revenants are reported to drop rune items. I have only recieved different ammounts of coins, and sometimes no drop at all. I hunt revenants, because they are the hardest f2p monster in Runescape, and I want to learn about them first hand. |
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